British Executions

Norman William Green

Age: 25

Sex: male

Crime: murder

Date Of Execution: 27 Jul 1955

Crime Location: Wigan

Execution Place: Liverpool

Method: hanging

Executioner: Albert Pierrepoint


Norman William Green murdered William Harmer 11 who he stabbed in a field off Miry Lane, Wigan on 27 August 1954. The following year on 11 April 1955 he stabbed Norman Yates 10 to death in Back Hope Street, Ince, near Wigan.

He stabbed William Harmer 11 times with a penknife including once in the throat. He was found by a man out looking for his child on a piece of wasteland known as 'The Sands'. He was still alive and told the man where he lived and together with some help he was carried home although they didnt know how badly injured he was. He was then taken to hospital but soon died.

Earlier the same night another boy aged 7 had also been stabbed. However, when the man stabbed him in the chest he started to cream and two men came and chaed the attacker away.

Although police had a significant description that included the fact that the attacker had very blonde hair that was almost white they made no progress with their investigations at that point.

The following year however, Norman Green stabbed Norman Yates 4 times in Back Hope Street, Ince. The police were again given witness statements reffering to a man with very blonde hair and they questioned Norman Green who lived and worked close to town.

When he was questioned he denied being anywhere near the murder but other witnesses had come forward to say that he had been drinking in the Railway Hotel which was close to where Norman Yates had been murdered and that he had left the pub shortly beforehand. When the police told him of these witnesses he then admitted to having been in the Railway Hotel at the time and when police searched his house they found clothing of his with blood that was of the same blood group as Norman Yates. he then admitted to killing the children and took police to his place of work where he had hidden the pen knife that he had used.

In court he pleaded insanity but was convicted and executed.

In 'The Encyclopedia Of Executions' by John J Eddleston it states that Norman Green was also suspected of the murder of another 6 year old boy, William Harmer, who had been stabbed to death on 19 June 1954 in Lisbon Street, Higher Ince.

see The Encyclopedia Of Executions by John J Eddleston - pages 872-873

see National Archives - ASSI 86/111, ASSI 52/838, DPP 2/2432, PCOM 9/2083